Ewa, the founder of AWE: Aesthetics With Energy, is a Denver-based aesthetician who has been passionate about skincare and aesthetics for over 18 years. Her journey started with struggles of her own adolescent skin and poor habits, which eventually led her to discover the craft of skincare and its positive impact on overall skin health.

Following a severe case of chickenpox and sun exposure damage that left her face pitted and textured, Ewa decided to learn effective and purposeful ways to improve her skin. Through this journey, she realized that lifestyle, education, and spiritual growth all play a significant role in overall skin health and healthy practices.

With her extensive experience and knowledge, Ewa provides specialized treatments to help her clients feel beautiful, comfortable, and confident in their skin as they advance in age. She continues to advance her own knowledge through research and attending classes in the ever-evolving field of aesthetics. Ewa also practices Pilates, mindfulness, and creative cooking to further her personal development.

To Ewa, skincare is a fun, inspiring, and creative way to honor the skin that protects us. She believes that the skin reflects the entire body and directly supports her principles of attuning the body (skin) to move the mind and attuning the mind to move the body (skin).

At AWE: Aesthetics With Energy, Ewa's goal is to help her clients feel awesome in their skin.